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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (110.4800) First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God     
Author: John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg
Publisher: Livving the Questions, 2009
Heading: 020 — Bible Study
Subjects: Ad Min. Curr.; Bible Study - Adult
# Copies: 1
Description: A 12 session study on the Kingdom of God. Shot on location in Galilee and Jerusalam.

A study guide is avaiable.

The 12 sessions are--
The Matrix of Jesus
The Advent of the Messiah
God's Great Cleanup
Collaborative Eschaton
The Lake as the World
Parables as Lures
Jesus as Lord
Substitutionary Atonement?
Demonstrations in Jerusalam
The Crowd and the Crucifixion
Resurrection as Resistance
America as the New Rome
Age Groups: None specified.

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